Polranny & Achill, Commonage – Sale Agreed Sale Agreed
On the instructions of the executor of the Estate of the late Joseph Murphy, Deceased, we are offering for sale commonage at Polranny, Achill, Co. Mayo.
The commonage is located at Polranny & the Missionary Share, Achill
Polranny (Lynchaghan), one undivided 61st part of 218.1534 hectares or 639.06 acres = 8.83 acres
Polranny (Sweeney), one undivided 61st part of 300.29 hectares or 742.02 acres = 12.16 acres
One undivided 557th part of:-
Cashel 511.993 hectares or 1,265.13 acres = 1.136 acres
Keel West 1,720.559 hectares or 4,251.50 acres = 3.816 acres
Slievemore 1,173.569 hectares or 2,899.89 acres = 2.603 acres
Doogort East 562.293 hectares or 1,389.43 acres = 1.247 acres
Doogort West 671.576 hectares or 1,659.46 acres = 1.4896 acres
Bellanasally 153.285 hectares or 378.77 acres = 0.34 acres
Bal of Dookinelly (Calvy) 36.174 ha or 89.385 acres = 0.08 acres
Mweelin 403.456 hectares or 996.939 acres = 0.89 acres
Dookinelly (Thulis) 296.569 hectares or 732.82 acres = 0.66 acres
Dookinelly (Calvy) 674.09 hectares or 1,665.67 acres = 1.49 acres
Maumnaman 227.251 hectares or 561.537 acres = 0.504 acres
Keel East 323.9410 hectares or 800.458 acres = 0.718 acres
Doogort 46.792 hectares or 115.62 acres = 0.1037 acres
Total:- 30.44 acres
Total area of commonage is approximately 51.43 acres in area.
Agent Information
- Office: + 353 (0) 98 41145
- Mobile: + 353 (0) 87 2443513
- Fax: 353 (0) 98 41145
Location & Information
- Property Type: Achill, Sale Agreed
- : Polranny and Achill, Co. Mayo